
Trench Trade-in Terms & Conditions

Last updated: March 2024 version: 202403_3

Burberry is committed to respecting your privacy and complying with applicable laws and regulations to ensure that the personal information you give us is kept appropriately secure and processed fairly and lawfully.

Burberry (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. is a company incorporated and registered in accordance with the laws of People’s Republic of China, with the registered address at 60F(actual floor at 53F), 1717 Nanjing West Road, Shanghai, and its unified social credit code is 9131000066935277XR; Burberry Limited is a company incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 00162636.

Your personal information will be collected by Burberry (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. and jointly held and managed by Burberry Limited (Burberry (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. and Burberry Limited are referred to in this Policy as "we, "us" and "our"). By visiting and using Burberry’s website or mobile site( https://burberry.cn/ ) (the "Site") or any Burberry application ("Application") that we make available from time to time or by visiting a Burberry store for the purchase or sampling of products or for interacting with our content and/or services or by contacting our Customer Services Team, you acknowledge that you have read this Privacy Policy. You must be at least 14 years’ old to use the Site and Applications. If you are under 14 or a minor in your country or state or region of residence, please ask your parent or legal guardian to provide their information for you.

This Privacy Policy covers all personal information about you that we collect, use and otherwise process in connection with your relationship with Burberry as a customer or potential customer. Burberry will collect and use your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy and as permitted by applicable laws, including in circumstances where: (i) it is necessary to provide or fulfil a service requested by or for you; (ii) you have given us your consent; or (iii) any other circumstances as permitted by applicable laws. Subject to the fulfilment of the foregoing requirements, Burberry may use your personal information:

  • 当社製品及びサービスを継続的に改善できるよう、顧客パターンを分析、プロファイリング及び監視し、並びに当社の重要顧客層の関心及び嗜好を理解するため
  • 高度な顧客体験及びサービスを提供するため(当社顧客の特定の嗜好への関連性を高めるため、当社サイト及び当社アプリケーション並びに製品、サービス及びイベントに関する当社からの更新情報及び広告(該当する場合)を個人向け仕様に設定することを確保することを含みます。)
  • 当社サービス、当社サイト及び/又は当社アプリケーションの適切な機能及びセキュリティを確保するため(例:不正取引の特定と防止のため
  • 内部報告の目的のために当社の店舗及び当社の販売促進又はイベントにおける客足を分析し、充分かつ適切な製品及びリソースを確保するため
  • 引き続き適用法の遵守を確保するため(例:当社記録の正確性の維持)